Hawley Communications Committee Meeting
Hawley Town Office 8 Pudding Hollow Road, Hawley, MA, United StatesThe purpose of this meeting is to work on mapping possible locations in need of broadband.
The purpose of this meeting is to work on mapping possible locations in need of broadband.
The agenda for this annual meeting of the Charlemont-Hawley Arts Council (a.k.a. our Local Cultural Council) may be found here.
Here is the agenda for this meeting. It meets ONLY online. For details, contact the Hawley Town Office. To join the meeting, copy and click on on the following link.…
The ZBA and the Conservation Commission will meet jointly to hold a hearing on a special-permit application from Magnus Thorsson to install a driveway on his property on Middle Road.…
The agenda for this biweekly meeting may be found here.
Here is the agenda for this meeting. You may join in by going to: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8680277392?pwd=UjhaLzdiZFhGR043SGwvOXdBZjgzQT09 Meeting ID: 868 027 7392 Passcode: 01339 One tap mobile +16465588656,,8680277392#,,,,*01339# US (New York) +16469313860,,8680277392#,,,,*01339#…
Here is a review of Joan's most recent book.
The Hawley Board of Selectmen will hold a property-tax classification hearing on Tuesday, December 5, 2023, at the Hawley Town Office on Pudding Hollow Road to adopt tax-levy percentages and…
Here is the agenda for this meeting.
Items to come before the Hawley Selectboard Friday, December 8, 2023, at 7 p.m. At The Hawley Town Office Discussion of MBI/Broadband application. Discussion of rules about official flags in…
There will be an emergency meeting of the FHMS group on Saturday Dec 9th at 4:30 p.m. to further discuss the need for additional letters of support. The first application…
This magical celebration of this time of year is brief and COLD but lovely. The Sons & Daughters of Hawley light up the old Meeting House, share cookies and warm…