Hawley residents can call on state and regional organizations for assistance with domestic needs such as groceries, fuel, and housing.
Food Assistance
The main site for local food assistance is the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts, which can help people find a food pantry and much more.
Locally, people who need a little help with groceries may want to investigate the Hilltown Churches Food Pantry, which distributes food every other week in Ashfield, or Good Neighbors, which has a monthly food distribution in Charlemont. Good Neighbors works hard to make sure that each family on its list has meals for holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas.
If you would like to volunteer to work with Good Neighbors, call Budge or Sheila Litchfield at 413 337-4957.
Fuel Assistance
Some fuel assistance is available from Community Action Pioneer Valley. Visit the website for more information. This article may help. The Massachusetts Association for Community Action also has information about income requirements for aid and other helpful links for people looking for a little help in the winter.
Housing Development and Home Modification
The Regional Housing and Redevelopment Authority is a public body politic and corporate, created by the Massachusetts legislature in 1973 to serve the residents and communities of Franklin County. HRA has all of the powers and responsibilities of a local housing authority and a redevelopment authority in all 26 communities of Franklin County, including Hawley.
Services include housing education; development, ownership, and management of affordable rental housing; administration of housing subsidies; programs for homeless families; homeownership and foreclosure prevention counseling and education; and Community Development Block Grant application and administration for Franklin County towns.
If you need help finding a home, advice about repairing your home, or advice about foreclosure, call the HRA at 413 863-9781 or visit its website.
The HRA also administers the Home Modification Loan Program (HMLP), a loan program that was established in 1999 by the MA state legislature. HMLP funds give homeowners the opportunity to modify or adapt their homes for a household member of any age with professionally documented limitation(s) or disability. HMLP offers loans from $1,000 to $50,000 to property owners at 0%. Borrowers sign a promissory note, and a mortgage is recorded as a lien against the property to secure these loans. HMLP can also lend from $1,000 to $30,000 to owners of manufactured or mobile homes. Landlords with fewer than 10 units may be eligible for a 3% loan for a tenant who has a functional limitation. Borrowers sign a promissory note and a UCC-1 is filed against the home to secure these loans.