Emergency Four-Town Broadband Group Meeting
OnlineThere will be an emergency meeting of the FHMS group on Saturday Dec 9th at 4:30 p.m. to further discuss the need for additional letters of support. The first application…
There will be an emergency meeting of the FHMS group on Saturday Dec 9th at 4:30 p.m. to further discuss the need for additional letters of support. The first application…
This magical celebration of this time of year is brief and COLD but lovely. The Sons & Daughters of Hawley light up the old Meeting House, share cookies and warm…
The agenda for this biweekly meeting may be found here.
The agenda for this biweekly meeting appears here.
Here is the agenda for this monthly meeting.
This meeting will take place virtually and at the Hawlemont School Library. Click here for the agenda (including meeting link).
ZOOM OPTION: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8680277392?pwd=UjhaLzdiZFhGR043SGwvOXdBZjgzQT09 Meeting ID: 868 027 7392 Passcode: 01339 One tap mobile +16465588656,,8680277392#,,,,*01339# US (New York) +16469313860,,8680277392#,,,,*01339# US; same meeting ID and passcode
This meeting will take place at the Hawlemont Library and remotely. Click here for the agenda.
Here is the agenda for this remote-only meeting.
Here is the agenda for this online meeting.
The agenda for this biweekly meeting may be found here.
Here is the agenda for this meeting.