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Assessors’ Meeting

Hawley Town Office 8 Pudding Hollow Road, Hawley, MA, United States

Here is the agenda for this monthly meeting.

Remembering Jimmy Carter

Hawley Town Office 8 Pudding Hollow Road, Hawley, MA, United States

At 7 the Town Office the Selectmen will hold a brief memorial service in observance of the National Day of Mourning for the late President Jimmy Carter. All are…

Planning Board Meeting

Hawley Town Office 8 Pudding Hollow Road, Hawley, MA, United States

Here is the agenda for this meeting.

Council on Aging Meeting

Hawley Town Office 8 Pudding Hollow Road, Hawley, MA, United States

 The COUNCIL ON AGING will meet on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, at 10 a.m. At The Hawley Town Office The group will discuss grant possibilities, upcoming activities, and any other…

Pole Hearing and Selectboard/ZBA/Board of Health Meeting

Hawley Town Office 8 Pudding Hollow Road, Hawley, MA, United States

This meeting includes a pole hearing with National Grid about removing one pole and installing two on East Road. Here is a map of the poles in question. Here is…

Assessors’ Meeting

Hawley Town Office 8 Pudding Hollow Road, Hawley, MA, United States

Here is the agenda for this monthly meeting.

Finance Committee Meeting

Hawley Town Office 8 Pudding Hollow Road, Hawley, MA, United States

Here is the agenda for this meeting.

HAY Workshop: Jams and Jellies

Hawlemont School 10 School Street, Charlemont, MA

Join Sherry Hager for a hands-on session and go home with some tasty jams. The workshop costs $20. Checks should be made out to Hawlemont HAY. To enroll , contact…

HAY Workshop: Beyond Flowering Plants

Hawlemont School 10 School Street, Charlemont, MA

Native-plant expert Amy Meltzer will present BEYOND FLOWERING PLANTS: HELPING POLLINATORS THRIVE YEAR ROUND. This talk includes a brief introduction to the biodiversity crisis, explaining why providing habitat for pollinators is…

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