Events Calendar
Community Events
Halloween Party for Hawley Children and Families
The Hawley Grove East Hawley Road, Hawley, MAPlease let Tinky know if you're coming ... or want to help. We need an accurate count in advance so we'll have enough treats!
Community Resource Fair
Mohawk Trail Regional School 26 Ashfield Road, (Route 112 in Buckland), MAIllumination Party
Hawley Meeting House 332 East Hawley Road, Hawley, MAJoin the Sons & Daughters of Hawley at the Hawley Meeting House for a brief (because it will be COLD!) party that will include carol singing, a cookie swap, and ornament decoration. All family members are invited! Bring cookies to swap and a container for taking home cookies.
Santa Tell Me!
Charlemont Federated Church 174 Main Street (Route 2), Charlemont, MA"Diva of Deliciousness" Tinky Weisblat and pianist Jerry Noble will present their annual holiday concert, ending with a sing-along set. Donations at the door will help the Minister's Discretionary Fund at the Charlemont Federated Church. The snow date for this event is the following day: same time, same place.