In general, trash in Hawley is taken to the Ashfield Transfer Station. Hawley pays the town of Ashfield a yearly fee for this privilege. To use the Ashfield dump, Hawleyites have to purchase a sticker at the Hawley Town Office. These stickers last for a year, from July 1 to June 30. Stickers currently cost $40, or $41 for two stickers for the same household.
Residents may also purchase official Ashfield trash bags at the Town Office. These are $10 for a package of 10. People who prefer to use their own bags may purchase punch cards for $10, good for 10 bags (up to the 30-gallon size).
There is no cash accepted at the Transfer Station. Hawleyites who have a dump sticker and wish to get rid of large items (furniture, etc.) may pay to do so at the Transfer Station by credit card … or may purchase a voucher for doing so from Tinky at the Hawley Town Office.
Ashfield also takes recycling. Be sure to look at the transfer station website to see what can be recycled.
Hawley is also part of the Franklin County Solid Waste Management District, which sponsors bulky waste and hazardous waste collections. The 2024 Hazardous Waste Collection will take place on Saturday, September 21. Pre-registration is required. For more details, visit the district’s website.