Animal Control Officer/Dog Officer
Chris Tirone holds both of these positions. He works in conjunction with the Town Clerk to make sure that all of Hawley’s dogs are properly licensed. He also responds to complaints about animals. To contact Chris, leave a message a the Town Office at 413 339-5518.
The Massachusetts General Laws provide for the election of one or more Town Auditors. The role of this position is to review the municipality’s financial books and ensure that proper procedures are being maintained. Hawley’s current auditor is Ashley Harrison.
Hawley’s constable, a peace officer, has mostly ceremonial powers; he doesn’t generally make arrests. He does make sure that warrant articles for Town Meetings are posted in a timely manner, however. Hawley’s constable is George Rice.
Hawley’s Town Counsel is Donna MacNicol of MacNicol and Tombs in Greenfield.
Generally, a Moderator’s job is to run Town Meetings. Specifically, the moderator declares the outcome of all voice votes and calls for other types of votes when needed. Moderators are usually elected at the annual Town Election. The term of office in Hawley is one year. When the elected moderator is absent, a temporary moderator may be elected at the Town Meeting.
In Hawley, it is the duty of the Moderator to appoint the members of the Finance Committee. Exercise of this responsibility helps infuse a system of checks and balances into the financial management of the town. Our moderator is Scott Purinton.
Tree Warden
It is the Tree Warden’s responsibility to oversee the planting of trees (birth) on public property, to maintain and care for the trees (life), and to remove injured or dangerous trees in the public area (death). The Tree Warden organizes and keeps track of every public shade tree that is to be planted and every tree that has already been planted in the town of Hawley. It is the Tree Warden’s goal not only to preserve the community forestry of Hawley, but to enhance it. If you are aware of any unsafe public shade trees in any public way, please contact the Tree Warden, Gary Mitchell, immediately at 413 339-5509 (town garage) or call the town office at 413 339-5518.
Police Chief
Hawley also has a police chief, appointed yearly to distribute firearms permits.
Emergency Services Officials
Hawley has an emergency-management director, Brandon Root, who works closely with the fire chief, Greg Cox.
Representatives & Liaisons
Hawley has a variety of representatives to county-wide governing bodies:
Regional Emergency Planning Committee
Dean Desmarais
Franklin Regional Council of Governments
Will Cosby
Franklin Regional Planning Board
Kimberly Orzechowskiand Will Cosby
Franklin County Cooperative Inspection Program
Hussain Hamdan
Cooperative Public Health Oversight Committee
Hussain Hamdan
Franklin Regional Transit Authority
Will Cosby
Vocational Education Advisory Committee
John Sears
Veterans Service Center
Chris Tirone
Franklin County Solid Waste District
Will Cosby