Hoping for a January Thaw
Greetings, Friends and Neighbors.
I hope you have been staying cozy through our recent frigid weather! Even my intrepid dog Cocoa is losing some of her enthusiasm for the Great Outdoors. If anyone needs a warming center, the Town Office is available; just let me know, and I’ll meet you there. Meanwhile, here are a few news items:
Valentine Crafts
Join Mary Ann Adams and the crew at the Tyler Memorial Library on Saturday, February 8, for a little Valentine fun. Mary Ann’s crafting sessions are becoming increasingly popular.
Dementia Care Sessions
Starting in early February, LifePath will be offering a new, free of charge, eight-week group for people in the early stage of their dementia journey with their care partners. The group will be offered on Mondays, February 3 through March 24, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. I have cared for people with dementia, and I know that although this work is rewarding it can feel very lonely. Those interested are asked to register by next Friday, January 31. For more information, click here.
Internet Check In
I recently heard from someone who is STILL experiencing difficulties with internet access through GoNetSpeed. It may be time to ask our Selectmen to talk to the company again. Please get in touch with me, Tinky, if you are having problems with your Wi-Fi. I will need both your address and the number of the most recent ticket you have from GoNetSpeed. We are of course hoping that Spectrum will bring true broadband to town soon, but in the meantime those of us who rely on the internet for work and/or play need to be able to count on it.
People and Snowflakes
At this time of year, when snowflakes appear on our minds and our yards, it’s nice to remember that those little ice formations are among nature’s miracles. As I’m sure you know, no two are alike. An article about their myriad shapes in the Washington Post recently quoted atmospheric scientist Tim Garrett of the University of Utah, who said, “We are like snowflakes. We’ve all gone through rather complicated, interesting lives.”
I wish you interesting (but not too complicated!) lives….
Tinky Weisblat
Gal Friday
Town of Hawley
info@townofhawley.com, 413-339-5528