Real estate and personal property taxes may be mailed to the Town Office at 8 Pudding Hollow Road, Hawley, MA 01339. If you're running late, feel free to put your tax payment in the white drop box to the left of the building.
Hawley's assessors meet at 5 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month. For more information, contact their clerk, Virginia Gabert at The agenda for this meeting may be…
Cider Days, an annual celebration of the end of the fall harvest, will feature hard ciders (including of course those made in Hawley by Headwater Cider!). Sample cider from at least five cideries under a tent. Local vendors will include Eric Lewandowski with apple posters and prints, Billings Brook Farm, Grace Hill Farm, Meadowsweet Dairy,…
Cider Days, an annual celebration of the end of the fall harvest, will feature hard ciders (including of course those made in Hawley by Headwater Cider!). Sample cider from at least five cideries under a tent. Local vendors will include Eric Lewandowski with apple posters and prints, Billings Brook Farm, Grace Hill Farm, Meadowsweet Dairy,…
Here is the agenda for this meeting. It meets ONLY online. For details, contact the Hawley Town Office. To join the meeting, copy and click on on the following link.…
The ZBA and the Conservation Commission will meet jointly to hold a hearing on a special-permit application from Magnus Thorsson to install a driveway on his property on Middle Road.…
Here is the agenda for this meeting. You may join in by going to: Meeting ID: 868 027 7392 Passcode: 01339 One tap mobile +16465588656,,8680277392#,,,,*01339# US (New York) +16469313860,,8680277392#,,,,*01339#…