Cooling Off, Calling 911, and More
Cooling Center
With high heat expected until Saturday at this point, we want to let our fellow Hawleyites know that the Town Office (which has air conditioning!) will be open this week on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from noon until 4 p.m. in case you need to catch your breath and cool down for a bit.
Calling 9-1-1
As many of you may know, the State 9-1-1 service is down this afternoon. We certainly hope it will be fixed very quickly. However, if you have an emergency and can’t get through to 9-1-1, please call Shelburne Control at 413-625-8200.
A Couple of Scheduling Changes
Town Clerk Donna Desmarais Lemoine will be out of town this week. If you need to get in touch with her, please leave a message at the Town Office (413-339-5518) or email her at
And I, Tinky, will be changing my office hours again next week! I will be driving to a family funeral in New Jersey on Tuesday, June 25, so I will be in the office on Monday the 24th from noon to 4 p.m. instead. I’ll be back home Wednesday evening so if you need me to meet you at the Town Office later in the week, just let me know (339-4747,
Cool Off at Local Events
Don’t forget about the Charlemont Forum this Thursday evening at 7 p.m. at the air-conditioned Charlemont Federated Church!

The church is also the site of this week’s performance by the Elqui Trio at Mohawk Trail Concerts, on Saturday at 5 p.m. The trio plays music from the Andes and is informative as well as entertaining.
That’s it for now. Stay hydrated, and go swimming if you can!
Your Gal Friday,