Gal Friday Tinky Weisblat
Our AA/Gal Friday, Tinky Weisblat, is the face of the town for many people. Responsibilities include selling trash bags, dump stickers, and burial plots; helping Hawleyites find information they need about town government; and assisting the Selectmen and other boards as needed by taking notes and posting meeting notices. She publishes the town’s e-newsletter and prepares the annual Town Report. You may contact Tinky by email, by phone at the office at 413 339-5518, or at home (not too early in the morning please!) at 413 339-4747.
Office Hours
The Administrative Assistant maintain a regular presence at the Town Office, serving as a resource for townspeople. Sales of Transfer Station permits and trash bags are a part of her duties. Office hours are listed below; for temporary changes to these hours, consult the calendar.
- Tuesday noon to 4 p.m.
- By arrangement by calling 413 339-5518.
The Administrative Assistant attends the biweekly meetings of the Selectboard (every other Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Town Office) and also attends other meetings as are required by Town Officers.