Sunshine at Last!
I’m writing to you on the first sunny day I can remember in what seems like MONTHS. Cocoa the Cockapoo and I are certainly enjoying it. I hope you managed to get outside today, too. Meanwhile, here are a few tidbits that may come in handy. Read to the bottom for a Valentine’s Day recipe….
Primary Voting
As most of you probably know, the Presidential Primary Election will take place on Tuesday, March 5, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. The last day to register to vote in this election will be Saturday, February 24. The Town Office will be open that day from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for registration and early voting. Early voting will also take place on Tuesday and Thursday, February 27 and 29, from noon to 4 p.m.
Town Clerk Out of Town
Our Town Clerk, Donna Lemoine, will be out of town from February 8 to 17, taking a much needed break before the election descends upon her. You may leave her a message by email ( or by phone at the office (413-339-5518). If you need immediate assistance, please call me, Tinky, either at the office or at home (413-339-4747, but not early in the morning, please!).
Dog Licenses
A reminder: Dogs must be licensed by April 1; there is a penalty for licensing them after that date. I, Tinky, am issuing licenses again this year. Please note that if you send in a stamped, self-addressed envelope for the return of your license, it will need TWO first-class stamps; the post office has started rejecting license envelopes with a single stamp because they don’t work with its machines. (I don’t like this but have no control over it, alas.) Please remember that I will need proof of your dog’s rabies vaccination. If you’re not sure whether your vaccination certificate is on file at the Town Office, just call me during my office hours (Tuesdays, noon to 4 p.m.) at 339-5518, and I’ll check.
Rabies Clinic
Speaking of rabies vaccinations … the Shelburne Falls Veterinary Hospital (3 Mohawk Trail in Shelburne, just before the first turn off Route 2 into Shelburne Falls) will host a Rabies Clinic on Saturday, February 24, from 10 a.m. to noon. The clinic operates on a first-come, first-served basis. A vaccination costs $30; cash only, please. All pets must be on regular (not retractable) leashes or in carriers. If you have proof of a previous vaccination, bring it along; otherwise, your pet will receive only a one-year booster. And if you can, please bring along unopened pet food for the hospital’s food drive.
Homelessness Survey
If you know of anyone who was experiencing homelessness on January 31, please let me, Tinky, know. Hawley is participating in the Tri-County “Point in Time” survey, which hopes to recognize those among us who don’t have permanent housing. THE DEADLINE FOR THE SURVEY is Thursday, February 7.
Crafting Adventures
More library fun this coming Thursday….
School Sustainability Project
Hawley is well represented on the Hawlemont/Mohawk Trail School Sustainability Steering Committee; Will Cosby is the committee’s chair, and Ellen Purinton is our official town representative.
As the sustainability work gets underway, there will be multiple opportunities for everyone in our communities to participate–in subcommittees, focus groups, community forums, and other events-and the school administrators and committees encourage everyone to get involved. All of these opportunities, as well as all work produced by the consultant (BERK12) and the 2D8T Committee, will be posted on, the website created for this project. Please check frequently for information and project updates.
A Valentine Treat
Finally, as Valentine’s Day approaches, I share a recipe for a seasonal treat I made more than a decade ago with some adorable youngsters who are now grown up. If you’re looking for a decadent cake to serve to your own Valentine, I heartily recommend it! Here’s the recipe.
Happy February from Your Gal Friday,
Tinky Weisblat
Town of Hawley
8 Pudding Hollow Road
Hawley, MA 01339
413-339-5518 or 413-339-4747